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The most famous Spanish wines

In the past, if you wanted to explore Spanish wines, your options were limited. In recent years, however, Spain has entered a new renaissance as a wine producer and is now one of the most popular destinations for wine drinkers in Europe. This blog post will introduce you to some of the most famous Spanish wines so that you can get started on exploring this exciting country’s offerings!

The Rioja region is the most famous Spanish wine region. Rioja wines have been made for hundreds of years, and have developed grape varieties all their own over time. Rioja wines are often divided into two categories: the lighter reds which use a higher amount of Tempranillo grapes, and the more full-bodied El Bierzo wines which use a large proportion of the local Mencia grapes. Riojas can be hard to find domestically but will always turn up in major grocery stores abroad! Try out these three Riojas that are widely available at home or on your next vacation to Spain.

This wine is a high-quality wine meant for long-term aging. It has some nice aromas of ripe blackberries and light chili pepper with a spicy finish and aftertaste. This wine is perfect to drink with some good friends while relaxing on the patio or at home in front of a fireplace. This wine will give you all the relaxation you need!

Ribera del Duero
Ribera del Duero wine has been grown here since the 12th century when it was introduced from France. It is a blend of one-third Tempranillo grape and two-thirds Garnacha Tintorera, which is a French wine that arrived in Spain during the 14th century

The wine we now call “cava” was created in the Penedes region of Catalonia near Barcelona during the 19th century. It is a wine that can be made using many grape types and winemakers, but it must be made according to traditional techniques and standards which include an element of fermentation called “malolactic

If you want to try a wine from the Mourvedre grape, which is found all over Spain and also in France, Austria, Italy and Portugal, then Monastrell wine is where it’s at. This grape variety is full-bodied and very fruity. There are high levels of tannins and acid.

We hope this helps you explore some fantastic Spanish wines at home or on your next visit to Tinto Taperia!

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